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Metro 2033 - XB360
Battlefield Bad Company 2 - XB360
Gears of War 3 - XB360
Resident Evil 6 - XB360
Warhammer 40.000 Space Marine 1 - XB360
Call of Juarez 3 The Cartel - XB360
Deus Ex 3 Human Revolution - XB360
Sniper Ghost Warrior 1 - XB360
Rage 1 Limited Anarchy Edition - XB360
Splinter Cell 5 Conviction - XB360
Saints Row 3 The Third, uncut - XB360
Red Faction 4 Armageddon - XB360
Medal of Honor 8 (2010) - XB360
Saints Row 3 The Third Genki Edition...
Crysis 2 - XB360
Sleeping Dogs - XB360