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Hunting Unlimited 2011 - PC

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Neu € 5,00
inkl. 19% MwSt. zzgl. Versand

Jump into the action with Hunting Unlimited 2011! Hunt your way across the 50 great states in three exciting challenge modes – breath in the fresh air! Trophy animals await-are you skilled enough to bag them? Hunting Unlimited has experienced great success with nearly 500,000 units sold!

Product Features

· Track down 6 popular trophy animals including whitetail deer, American elk, Moose and bighorn. Watch out for brown bear and cougars ? you may be their lunch!

· Find and kill the largest trophy animal in each state in Gauntlet mode.

· Kill at least two trophy animals from the same position in Straight Rail mode.

· Are you a sharp shooter? Bag 7 trophy animals in a row with one shot kills in Eight Ball mode.

· Embark on the hunt of a lifetime through 4 highly detailed environments - pine forest, rolling countryside, woodland forest summer and winter mountains.